Head, Face, Foot Massage Training
Ayurvedic massage restores a sense of calm and balance to the body and mind and nourishes the skin and connective tissue. Learn about specific energy points in each region and how to use oils and masks for individualized treatments.
The head, face, and feet have a concentration of energy points that are gently massaged to create deep relaxation and calm.
The specialized oils and face mask are formulated according to ancient Ayuredic principles and are full of nutrients and bioactive compounds to support skin health.
Participants will learn how to conduct a grounding ceremony using mantra, or sacred sound, to help create a calm and healing environment within which to work.
They will not only learn how to administer the treatment but also benefit from receiving the treatment, learning first-hand how special this full immersive treatment experience really is.
Participants will receive a recording of the training session as well as handouts and drawings of the relevant energy points.
This training covers:
Facial, head, and foot massage
Use of facial masks
Ayurvedic fundamentals, including the five elements and three doshas
Ceremony and the use of mantra, or sacred sound, to create a calming and healing work environment.
Learning objectives:
1. Perform a 40-minute full-body head, face, and foot massage with oil
2. Understand the basics of Ayurveda and and be able to explain the treatments to clients/students
Upcoming Ayurvedic Bodywork: Head, Face, Foot Massage Trainings
Be nurtured and guided as you learn:
Basic theory of the tridoshas (three mind-body types) and how their gunas (qualities) apply to bodywork
Techniques for a head, face, and foot massage with oil
How to customize the treatment to balance disturbed doshas
The importance of sacred sound for establishing a healing environment
Which Ayurvedic oils to use
A brief history of Ayurveda and background information on Ayurvedic treatment techniques
Additional time will be spent on the fundamentals of Ayurvedic theory, the origins of massage, and ethics training through the lens of yoga and Ayurveda.
If you have already taken this training, you can find your Student Resources here →