Abhyanga Training
This course is designed for bodyworkers and Ayurvedic professionals.
Come be nurtured and guided by skilled practitioners as you learn ancient Ayurvedic treatments to cleanse, heal, and harmonize body, mind, and spirit. Learn the techniques of Ayurvedic bodywork used in rejuvenation therapy. Abhyanga (also referred to as snehana) is the classical full body oil treatment in Ayurveda, utilizing warm herbalized oil and rhythmic body technique to move the oil into the body.
Additional time is also spent on the fundamentals of Ayurvedic theory, the origins of massage, and ethics training through the lens of yoga and Ayurveda. You also receive an introduction to the use of mantra, or sacred sound, in establishing a calm and healing environment.
Summary of workshop:
Participants will learn the basic theory of the tri-doshas and their gunas in application to bodywork
Participants will learn a full body Abhyanga treatment with oil
Participants will learn how to customize the treatment in balancing disturbed doshas
Participants will learn the importance of sacred sound for establishing a healing environment
Participants will learn about Ayurvedic oils used in the treatments
Participants will learn the brief history and background of Ayurveda and the treatment techniques
Participants will learn the technique of self-massage with oil
Learning objectives:
Perform a 40-minute full body Abhyanga treatment with oil
Explain the basic background of Ayurveda and the treatments to their clients/students
Perform and teach Ayurvedic self-massage
Oils are used throughout the training, so casual clothing is recommended. Old bathing suits or undergarments may be useful for practice sessions.
This program should meet the minimum two hour ethics training requirement for massage therapists.
This course is designed for bodyworkers and Ayurvedic professionals; others should direct inquiries to Hilary.
Price: $450 (includes lunch)for full 2 day training
*One day refresher option for those that have trained before will be on day one.
Price for refresher: $225
Contact: Hilary Garivaltis (hgarivaltis@gmail.com) with questions